Empowering Those Who Serve to Lead with Excellence
Every Officer is a Leader workshop:
is based on the “Transforming Leadership in Police, Justice, and Public Safety”, authored by leadership expert Terry Anderson and several well-known leaders in the law enforcement and criminal justice profession, responds to the need for a comprehensive leadership development model for the education and training of police, justice and public safety supervisors, managers and front line officers.
“Every Officer is a Leader” Training Program is to train police officers in the development and mastery of sixty (60) research-based skills in five (5) areas of competence: Self-management, Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management, Problem and Opportunity Management, Team and Organization Development, and Versatility Skills. Further, the workshop will enable officers (i.e. First line supervisors) to improve performance by engaging in the forty 40 Tasks and Responsibilities of Effective Leaders that most police personnel believe are important to perform, regardless of rank. Three separate curriculum and supporting lesson plans shall be developed: a line-officer curriculum, a train-the-trainer curriculum and an executive curriculum.
Lack of Certification for Leaders:
Many professions have professional certification requirements. Doctors, plumbers, electricians, accountants, and surgeons…all have to prove they can do it before they are certified, but not leaders! The vision we have for the future is that you will develop more professional leadership skills than you currently have, which will make a positive difference in your personal and professional life, in your agency, and in the community. The skills in this program are generic and can be applied with your kids, significant others, co-workers, subordinates, citizens on the street, suspects, or known offenders. This program will accelerate the development of your emotional and social intelligence.
Our Vision for Leadership Competence:
The vision for this program is that it would provide the competency foundation for the enhanced professionalization of your leadership in police work and in every aspect of your life. Like the Every Officer is a Leader book, this course can be used as nourishment along the way for your leadership development journey.This course is written in such a way that you can learn and apply the skills of effective communication, problem-solving, and team and organizational leadership. We believe from our experience that the results of your leadership development will be that you will create a measurably better place to work and a safer community.
Available Programs
FOUNDATION – Participants (Sworn & Professional Staff): Two Days Workshop, Two Master Instructors, Every Officer is a Leader Copyrighted Materials, Book, Workbooks.
EXECUTIVES – Leadership and Command (Lt. and above): Two Days Workshop, Two Master Instructors, Every Officer is a Leader Copyrighted Materials, Book, Workbooks.
TRAIN-THE-TRAINER: Four Days Workshop, Two Master Instructors, Every Officer is a Leader Copyrighted Materials, Book, Workbooks and Instructors Guide. The session requires participation by officers and instructors during days and and 2 / Trainers only days 3-4.
* Tailored programs are available to meet seat requirements and budgetary considerations. Please contact Chief Sam Spiegel.
Every Officer Is A Leader, 4th Edition.
Current and aspiring justice, public safety, and private security leaders should read this book. This book is intended for a diverse readership. A rich composite of competencies is needed by the wide range of professional leaders who will read this book. The reader should expect to find examples of various concepts and skills from multiple working environments. These include business, education, health, social services, criminal justice, and government because police and other justice and public safety leaders find themselves interfacing with—and learning from—all these areas where leadership is applied daily. For the first time that we know of in history, everyone working in an agency may have a foundational understanding and agreement about leadership and how it can be developed. Along with the publication of this 4th Edition of this book, we are publishing the 1st Edition of “Every Fire-Rescue Professional is a Leader: A Practical Guide for Individual, Team, and Organization Development” to serve the leadership development needs of Fire and Rescue Professionals.